The slog is over, or just beginning

I did it. I finished a draft of Alabaster, which I have been working on since....oh probably 2019, I am not sure. It's always so interesting to reflect on how stories come out. I wrote the first draft of "Viridian" over the course of a single NaNoWriMo, though it wouldn't see its final form for... Continue Reading →

(Belated) Six Month Check-In

Every six months I try to check in on my writing goals, and I totally skated right past that deadline this year. I don't think that's a surprise for anyone -- it certainly wasn't a surprise for me. I've had a hard time focusing over the past month or so especially, which I'm pretty sure... Continue Reading →

This post is a series of tweets

You may have noticed that I am providing regular updates in a thread on Twitter regarding my editing process for Daughter of Madness. I've linked them all together, so you can click below and look at my progress so far. I figured that might help you figure out what I've been dealing with. Starting rewrites on... Continue Reading →

A time for edits

To everything there is a season. A time for brainstorming, and a time for reading books. A time for scribbling in notebooks, and a time for typing. A time for writing, and a time for edits. It is my time for edits. You know that I have finished the DoM draft, and that I have... Continue Reading →

Daughter of Madness progress update

The subtitle of this blogpost should be: the good, the bad, the ugly, for reasons that will become apparent, but I didn't want to bulk that up too much. Suffice to say, publishing a book, no matter how you go about it, is a complicated process. When you are self-publishing, that process becomes vastly more... Continue Reading →

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