Wakanda Forever

I saw it. I loved it. One of the things I particularly loved about this Marvel movie was the fact that it didn't quite feel like a Marvel movie. There was an emphasis on grief and the difficulty of grieving that I thought was particularly well paced, a hard, bitter shell around the soft, gooey... Continue Reading →

Opening up the theater

I've been to several in-person, mask-free events recently. I didn't intend for them to be mask-free, but upon arrival found that I was the only person masked. I probably could have doubled down and made a statement -- did for the first one. But several of these were work events and the politics get....a little... Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Endgame

Hello, and welcome. Did you catch the premier? I did, and I recommend you brush up on the following movies: The AvengersCaptain America: Winter SoldierCaptain America: Civil WarDr. StrangeAvengers: Infinity War While watching all the movies is a great goal, most of us don't have time for that. These five should get you to a... Continue Reading →

The Last Jedi

I loved this movie. And if you read this, it might spoil it for you. But hopefully you have made it to the movie already. Hopefully you have gotten to experience it, too. I've read a lot of Last Jedi reviews since the movie came out. A lot. And if you're recall, the day of... Continue Reading →

Blade Runner 2049

I went and saw Blade Runner last weekend and it was really, really good. Very loud, very bleak, but good. I definitely recommend watching the bridging shortfilms, though, for greater appreciation of some of the plot points. This movie gave me a lot of thoughts. I debated on what to focus on in my analysis... Continue Reading →

Atomic Blonde

So PSA, I loved this movie. I've seen some discussion of the problematic aspects of this film, and we'll get to those because I want to unpack them. But I want to start by focusing on the positives. I had been waiting to see this movie for two weeks when I finally made it into... Continue Reading →

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