The Old Guard and the Just Warrior

I finally watched The Old Guard and I'm here to talk to you about the subliminal themes of this fun movie, superheroes, and a concept I recently encountered when reading about another Charlize Theron movie, the Just Warrior. While POP FIZZ is not currently happening, having those conversations has made me think about a lot... Continue Reading →

100 Listens on POP FIZZ

Happy 4th of July, belatedly. I hope you all indulged in some civic pride and educated yourself, attended a protest, or otherwise got your democracy on. 4th of July weekend is a great weekend for me generally and I spent this one paddling around, hanging out with family, and having a good time. If this... Continue Reading →

Odds and ends

Hello, humans! I debated about doing a MystiCon recap here because I have been...very much feeling like taking a nap. Like really, a nap would be great. I took a brief break after the convention, but it wasn't long enough. So instead I decided to just do a general State of the Author post with... Continue Reading →

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